Pit Boss Gambling

A pit boss is the gaming manager.

  1. Pit Boss Casino Payday 2
  2. Pit Boss Casino

He or she will spend most of their time walking the casino floor. Their objective is to make sure that games are being played following rules. What’s more, the goal is to ensure that dealers are presenting the game properly. As a pit boss, one will oversee all dealers, servers, cashiers and other employees that are working on the floor. They will also have the responsibility of training new hires as well as monitoring the performance of all current employees.

Are you a pit boss in a casino and want the world to know? What better way than with this cool Pit Boss T Shirt. Makes a great gift or present to any pit bosses in your life. Gambling table games card shark dealer player pit manager Las Vegas casino poker. Great graphic tee for men women children adults kids parents grandpas grandmas uncle aunt. Mar 25, 2019 A more exciting aspect of the pit boss gig occurs when players dispute the results of a particular bet. I can’t say I enjoy this part of my day, but I must say it does inject a bit of excitement into the proceedings. Basically, you have two types of player disputes. Dec 17, 2018 In a casino, the “pit boss” is the person who oversees the operation of the table games, such as craps, blackjack and roulette. The pit boss is constantly scanning the tables to ensure that players are happy and that games are being run smoothly and fairly.

Pit boss casino

What is Needed to Be a Pit Boss?

Aug 13, 2017 Pit bosses or managers oversee everything that happens on the floor. They monitor and track transactions, ensure dealers are doing their job correctly and efficiently, solve (customer) problems, train new hires, catch and handle cheaters, comp players and a lot of other things–many of which vary from casino to casino. A pit boss is the gaming manager. He or she will spend most of their time walking the casino floor. Their objective is to make sure that games are being played following rules. What’s more, the goal is to ensure that dealers are presenting the game properly.

While no former education is imperative to obtain this position, there are some prerequisites that many casinos will want for anyone to become a pit boss. Prior experience on the floor of the casino is preferred and most pit bosses held a position as a dealer at the casino. It is important for the pit boss to be familiar with the rules and play of all table games since they will be overseeing multiple games during a shift.

Pit boss casino job description

A pit boss has to show exceptional managerial skills and have a vast knowledge of the games at the casino as well as fairness and attention to detail. They should have the ability to resolve disputes and handle all types of customers and must also be able to monitor more than one situation on the floor. Pit bosses do have to have a high school diploma or a GED and the casino may send applicants for further training, such as how to deal with paperwork, a refresher course on games or even a manager training program.

The Right Personality

Pit Boss Casino Payday 2

Not every person will be a successful pit boss and there is a certain personality that casinos require. Pit bosses must be personable and must make customers feel welcome and comfortable, but they must also have the ability to have the upper hand should there be any disputes. Since a pit boss will most likely be supervising former colleagues, they will have to be fair and be able to treat all employees with the same level of fairness and resp

The pit boss walks the casino floor, making sure all dealers and games adhere to the standards dictated by the State’s gaming commission.

ect. They will also have to be very alert throughout the shift and be able to deal with challenging situations, including aggravated players as well as cheating employees.

A good pit boss needs to find the right balance between being friendly and authoritative. Learning how to make people feel at home can sometimes result in lacking initiative. That never happens with a skilled, organized pit boss. Pit managers need to be rigorous and unbiased in their decision-making, but also deliver their opinion the right way. Reaching this equilibrium between being kind and resolute is what makes the best pit boss.

A pit boss can have a natural inclination for the job but their skills can be acquired over time, too. Various programs and courses teach pit bosses people management, negotiation skills and logical thinking. Some of the most important skills a pit boss should have include fast thinking, a high social intelligence and knowing the trade like the palm of their hand.


Being Responsible for Money

One of the main jobs as a pit boss is overseeing the money and the transactions that occur at different casino tables. These employees will account for a huge amount of money and will have to keep an eye on all bets being placed, all chips being given by the casino as well as the movement of cash at a table. They will be held responsible for every penny at the end of their shift. Additionally, a pit boss must authorize receipts, credit slips and cash-outs.

Responsibility has to be a second nature to every pit boss, be it in a land-based casino or online. These persons overlook behaviour on both sides of the table. A pit boss needs to be both fair and attentive. Also, taking care of money is arguably a pit manager’s biggest obligation. As the official casino supervisor, a pit boss cannot afford a second of inattention.

Furthermore, a pit boss is tasked with monitoring loyal players who spend a lot of time at their venue. Such gamblers can earn comp points based on their loyalty to the casino. Complimentary points (comps) are garnered by playing consistently with one operator (online or offline). After a while, the casino will notice the player’s devotion. It is, in fact, the pit boss’s job to take notice of this activity. They then decide, alongside the casino management team, what the rewards for the player will be. The prizes can range from hotel rooms to plane tickets to free booze.

How Much Does a Pit Boss Make?

Pit bosses will tend to make better wages than other casino employees since they have more responsibilities. The actual salary will vary per casino, but on average, US pit bossescan expect to make between $50,000 and $75,000 per year. Unfortunately, a pit boss, unlike a dealer, cannot accept tips. There are bonuses and benefits, but without the tips, some dealers will make more money than the pit boss. In turn, that can make the position undesirable for the latter.

The average pit boss salary in the United States stands at around $60,000 with an hourly rate of $27. With that money, a pit boss is well off but still unable to boost the income via tipping. Nevertheless, the work – payment ratio for the position of a bit boss is in balance.

Okay, so …what’s a pit boss? And what exactly does a pit boss do?

Pit bosses or managers oversee everything that happens on the floor. They monitor and track transactions, ensure dealers are doing their job correctly and efficiently, solve (customer) problems,train new hires, catch and handle cheaters, comp players and a lot of other things–many of which vary from casino to casino.

Here’s where they fit in the casino hierarchy:

  • Dealer – They work (deal) the different gaming tables.
  • Dual-Rate Dealer / Supervisor – This person goes back and forth between dealing cards and supervising tables. This is the worst position to be in, as you’re not quitemanagement – you still have to deal cards when the casino needs you too. But, with a good personality and work ethic, you’ll hit this level quickly and can focus on getting out as fastas possible.
  • Full Floor Supervisor – Now you’re management. You oversee 4-6 tables and report to the pit manager. You’re paid a salary.
  • Dual Pit Manager – Similar to Dual-Rate Dealer / Supervisor. You’re still a supervisor, but are (probably) in training to become a pit manager. The difference in pay is(usually) small.
  • Pit Manager (Boss) – Now you’re supervising the gaming floor. This comes with a large salary increase, plus the opportunity to bonus. Pit bosses tend to make $60-$95,000 peryear + bonuses. But this can vary wildly.

The hierarchy continues to climb from there, to where you’ll work on the floor less and less. You’re in the background, more or less, in an admin position.

This is the climb you need to be prepared to make, too, if your ambition is to become a pit boss. What I think is most important to take note of are the half-steps – where you straddle the linebetween two different positions.

For example, you might supervise a couple of tables during your shift, then be asked to deal a couple of tables later in your shift. This is more of a pain than anything else, as you’ll likelyhave to alternate between two work uniforms throughout your shift. You might also have to deal with the awkwardness of being on the same level as a co-worker, only then to become their “boss”later – all during the same shift.

“It’s also the only industry I have seen where at one casino a guy can be a shift manager one day and the next just a dealer. As quickly as you can move up, you can move back down again. Atmy first casino I had an assistant shift manager I worked for. I moved to another casino, and six months later he came as a dealer. So I was above him in position. It’s a funny business.”


Pit Boss Casino

The upside to dual positions is that they allow you to test the waters of management. You can see what it’s like without having to commit 100%. Then, if you like it, you can pursue itaggressively. If you don’t, you can go back to dealing full-time. No big deal.