Hand History Full Tilt Poker

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Placing an opponent on tilt or dealing with being on tilt oneself is an important aspect of poker. It is a relatively frequent occurrence due to frustration, animosity against other players, or simply bad luck. One possible origin of the word 'tilt' is as a reference to tilting a pinball machine. The frustration from seeing the ball follow a. A hand history is a small text document that contains information about a hand you have played at an online poker room. They come in many forms, and while some of them can be quite difficult to understand, you will always be able to recreate everything that happened in the hand if you have the hand history. You can see an example from Full Tilt Poker (an online poker room) below. Full Tilt Poker Hand. The hand history software supports 19 poker games and allows users to share their hands on our poker forum, with their friends and on social media. Full Tilt Casino, Gala, Gaming Club.

Hand history parsing API will change for sure until 1.0 is done.

Constant values¶

These enumerations are used to identify common values like limit types, game, etc.By unifying these into groups of enumeration classes, it’s possible to have common valuesaccross the whole framework, even when parsing totally different kind of hand histories, whichuses different values. (Data normalization)It’s recommended to use keys (name property) to save in database, and print them to the user.(E.g. in a web application template, {{PokerRoom.STARS}} will be converted to 'PokerStars'.)

Hand history full tilt poker download
class poker.constants.Action[source]

An enumeration.

BET = ('bet', 'bets')
CALL = ('call', 'calls')
CHECK = ('check', 'checks')
FOLD = ('fold', 'folded', 'folds')
MUCK = ('don't show', 'didn't show', 'did not show', 'mucks')
RAISE = ('raise', 'raises')
RETURN = ('return', 'returned', 'uncalled')
SHOW = ('show',)
THINK = ('seconds left to act',)
WIN = ('win', 'won', 'collected')
class poker.constants.Currency[source]

An enumeration.

EUR = ('EUR', '€')
GBP = ('GBP', '£')
STARS_COIN = ('SC', 'StarsCoin')
USD = ('USD', '$')
class poker.constants.Game[source]

An enumeration.

HOLDEM = ('Hold'em', 'HOLDEM')
OHILO = ('Omaha Hi/Lo',)
OMAHA = ('Omaha',)
RAZZ = ('Razz',)
STUD = ('Stud',)

Hand History Full Tilt Poker

class poker.constants.GameType[source]

An enumeration.

CASH = ('Cash game', 'CASH', 'RING')
SNG = ('Sit & Go', 'SNG', 'SIT AND GO', 'Sit&go')
TOUR = ('Tournament', 'TOUR')
class poker.constants.Limit[source]

An enumeration.

FL = ('FL', 'Fixed limit', 'Limit')
NL = ('NL', 'No limit')
PL = ('PL', 'Pot limit')
class poker.constants.MoneyType[source]

An enumeration.

PLAY = ('Play money',)
REAL = ('Real money',)
class poker.constants.PokerRoom[source]

An enumeration.

EIGHT = ('888', '888poker')
FTP = ('Full Tilt Poker', 'FTP', 'FULL TILT')
STARS = ('PokerStars', 'STARS', 'PS')
class poker.constants.Position[source]

An enumeration.

BB = ('BB', 'big blind')
BTN = ('BTN', 'bu', 'button')
CO = ('CO', 'cutoff', 'cut off')
HJ = ('HJ', 'hijack', 'utg+5', 'utg + 5')
SB = ('SB', 'small blind')
UTG = ('UTG', 'under the gun')
UTG1 = ('UTG1', 'utg+1', 'utg + 1')
UTG2 = ('UTG2', 'utg+2', 'utg + 2')
UTG3 = ('UTG3', 'utg+3', 'utg + 3')
UTG4 = ('UTG4', 'utg+4', 'utg + 4')
class poker.constants.TourFormat[source]

An enumeration.

ACTION = ('Action Hour',)
ONEREB = ('1R1A',)
REBUY = ('Rebuy', '+R')
SECOND = ('2x Chance',)
class poker.constants.TourSpeed[source]

An enumeration.

DOUBLE = ('2x-Turbo',)
HYPER = ('Hyper-Turbo',)
REGULAR = ('Regular',)
SLOW = ('Slow',)
TURBO = ('Turbo',)

Base classes¶

class poker.handhistory._BaseHandHistory(hand_text)[source]

Abstract base class for all kinds of parser.

Parameters:hand_text (str) – poker hand text
The class can read like a dictionary.
  • date_format (str) – default date format for the given poker room
  • ident (str) – hand id
  • game_type (poker.constants.GameType) – 'TOUR' for tournaments or 'SNG' for Sit&Go-s
  • tournament_ident (str) – tournament id
  • tournament_level (str) – level of tournament blinds
  • currency (poker.constants.Currency) – 3 letter iso code 'USD', 'HUF', 'EUR', etc.
  • buyin (decimal.Decimal) – buyin without rake
  • rake (decimal.Decimal) – if game_type is 'TOUR' it’s buyin rake, if 'CASH' it’s rake from pot
  • game (poker.constants.Game) – 'HOLDEM', 'OMAHA', 'STUD', 'RAZZ', etc.
  • limit (poker.constants.Limit) – 'NL', 'PL' or 'FL'
  • sb (decimal.Decimal) – amount of small blind
  • bb (decimal.Decimal) – amount of big blind
  • date (datetime) – hand date in UTC
  • table_name (str) – name of the table. it’s 'tournament_numbertable_number'
  • max_players (int) – maximum players can sit on the table, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • button (poker.handhistory._Player) – player on the button
  • hero (poker.handhistory._Player) – hero player
  • players (list) – list of poker.handhistory._Player.the sequence is the seating order at the table at the start of the hand
  • flop (_Flop) – room specific Flop object
  • turn (poker.card.Card) – turn card, e.g. Card('Ah')
  • river (poker.card.Card) – river card, e.g. Card('2d')
  • board (tuple) – board cards, e.g. (Card('4s'),Card('4d'),Card('4c'),Card('5h'))
  • preflop_actions (tuple) – action lines in str
  • turn_actions (tuple) – turn action lines
  • turn_pot (decimal.Decimal) – pot size before turn
  • turn_num_players (int) – number of players seen the turn
  • river_actions (tuple) – river action lines
  • river_pot (decimal.Decimal) – pot size before river
  • river_num_players (int) – number of players seen the river
  • tournament_name (str) – e.g. '$750Guarantee', '$5Sit&Go(SuperTurbo)'
  • total_pot (decimal.Decimal) – total pot after end of actions (rake included)
  • show_down (bool) – There was show_down or wasn’t
  • winners (tuple) – winner names, tuple if even when there is only one winner. e.g. ('W2lkm2n',)
  • extra (dict) – Contains information which are specific to a concrete hand historyand not common accross all. When iterating through the instance,this extra attribute will not be included. default value is None
class poker.handhistory._Player(name, stack, seat, combo)[source]

Player participating in the hand history.

  • name (str) – Player name
  • stack (int) – Stack size (sometimes called as chips)
  • seat (int) – Seat number
  • combo (Combo,None) – If the player revealed his/her hand, this property hold’s it.None for players didn’t show… autoclass:: poker.handhistory._Player

Every hand history has an attribute flop which is an instance of the room specific _Flopobject which has the following attributes:

class _Flop
  • cards (tuple) – tuple of poker.card.Cards
  • pot (decimal.Decimal) – pot size after actions
  • players (tuple) – tuple of player names
  • actions (tuple) –
    tuple of poker.constants.Action in the order of happening.
    (Player name, Action, Amount) or
    (Player name, Action) if no amount needed (e.g. in case of Check)

It also has properties about flop texture like:

  • is_rainbow (bool) –
  • is_monotone (bool) –
  • is_triplet (bool) –
  • has_pair (bool) –
  • has_straightdraw (bool) –
  • has_gutshot (bool) –
  • has_flushdraw (bool) –


class poker.room.pokerstars.PokerStarsHandHistory(hand_text)[source]

Parses PokerStars Tournament hands.

Full Tilt Poker¶

class poker.room.fulltiltpoker.FullTiltPokerHandHistory(hand_text)[source]

Parses Full Tilt Poker hands the same way as PokerStarsHandHistory class.

PokerStars and Full Tilt hand histories are very similar, so parsing them is almost identical.There are small differences though.

Class specific

Hand History Full Tilt Poker
  • tournament_levelNone
  • buyinNone: it’s not in the hand history, but the filename
  • rakeNone: also
  • currencyNone
  • table_name (str) – just a number, but str type


  • turn_pot (Decimal) – pot size before turn
  • turn_num_players (int) – number of players seen the turn
  • river_pot (Decimal) – pot size before river
  • river_num_players (int) – number of players seen the river
  • tournament_name (str) – e.g. '$750Guarantee', '$5Sit&Go(SuperTurbo)'


class poker.room.pkr.PKRHandHistory(hand_text)[source]

Parses PKR hand histories.

Full Tilt Poker

Class specific

Variables:table_name (str) – “#table_number - name_of_the_table”


  • last_ident (str) – last hand id
  • money_type (str) – 'R' for real money, 'P' for play money
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