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- Select Casino Games with the Best Odds. First and foremost, you should know that not all casino.
- Build a Gambling Bankroll. The first step to winning money in a Las Vegas casino is having a.
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Admit it, after watching a good robbery movie (Ocean’s 11 anyone?), there’s a split second where you fantasize about pulling off something similar and walking away with millions.
As a society, we are fascinated with quick ways to make a lot of money. The riskier, the better. The entire “money heist” genre is a manifestation of that fascination. But, the reality of making money fast illegally is not as glamorous as portrayed in the movies.
Stop second-guessing yourself. Every casino game offers you a fair chance of.
Disclaimer:DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS AT HOME PEOPLE. This entire article is for entertainment purposes only. In no way do we condone any of these activities. If you’re really in a situation where you are thinking of making money illegally, please seek legal help.
If you really need money quickly and legally, check out how to make $500 dollars fast. Also we have a guide with different options for those who really need money urgently.
For the sake of this article, let’s pretend that someone is holding a gun to your head: “You have one week to come up with $50,000 or I’ll be back *evil laugh*”
And for the sake of the article let’s pretend you don’t do the smart thing and go to the authorities or flee to another country…
You now have one week to make $50,000. Did I mention you’re also broke, have $0 in your bank account, no credit line, or anything of value to sell.
How would you do it?
Here are 15 different ways to make money fast illegally.
- 1 15 Terrible and Illegal Ways on How Make Money Quick Illegally
15 Terrible and Illegal Ways on How Make Money Quick Illegally
1. Sell Pirated or Counterfeit Goods (Copyright Infringement)
Did you know that counterfeit goods account for nearly 10% of global trade – around $500 billion dollars every year?
With such a big pie, it wouldn’t be hard to cut yourself a little slice. When we think of selling counterfeit goods, we picture someone selling Louis Vuitton handbags on the street corner for $20. But, just like everything else, the majority of the counterfeit market has moved online. Even Amazon isn’t safe from counterfeit goods being sold on their marketplace.
If you were wanting to make money fast illegally, finding physical counterfeit goods to sell might not be easy. An easier way to profit from copyright infringement would be to resell digital products.
You’re probably getting flashbacks of the “You wouldn’t steal a car” commercials:
But selling pirated goods could be a lucrative business. These two brothers made over $50,000 selling downloads to pirated movies. Of course, they eventually got caught.
Pirated movies aren’t the only things that sell. Nearly every digital good can be downloaded and resold illegally. Anything from mobile apps, online courses, ebooks, to entire websites.
2. Rob a Bank
Ah, what a classic. Get yourself a partner and you could be the next Bonnie and Clyde.

But before you tell the bank teller to give you all their money, there are a few things you should know. Bank robbery is not a lucrative way to make money illegally. In fact, according to the FBI, the average bank robber made only $7,500 for every bank robbery in 2010.
Depending on what state you live in, the punishment for getting caught robbing a bank can be anywhere from a mandatory 3 years to life in prison. I can’t say that robbing a bank is a great way to make money…
3. Scam Unsuspecting Victims
Scammers are on a rise. You’ve probably noticed an increase of robocalls to your phone in the last few years. Or scam emails hitting your inbox promising you millions of dollars from an unknown wealthy relative that recently passed.
These scammers search for gullible victims, usually the elderly, and take as much easy money as they can.
Here are a few ways you can make money illegally as a scammer:
- Sell fake tickets on Ebay or Craigslist. Pretend you have tickets to some desirable sporting event or concert. Of course, you don’t have them, but they don’t know that. You can always grab a picture of real tickets to the event online somewhere if they want proof. After you get paid, send them the fake tickets or don’t send them anything at all. Use Venmo to get paid as a friend so they can’t charge it back.
- Phone scams that prey on emotions. This is a pretty common scam that works surprisingly well. The premise is that with the help of social media, you find some kids that are traveling abroad and call a distant relative of theirs posing as one of the kids. On the phone, you tell the relative that you’re traveling abroad and ran into some trouble (in the hospital, in jail, etc) and need some money wired. You’ll pay them back as soon you’re back in the country of course. The key to this is finding a relative that can’t recognize the kid’s voice and is gullible enough to wire money to some stranger without checking with the parents of the kid first. There are many variations of this scam floating about. It keeps happening because, well, it works.
- Fake check scams. This is another pretty common scam that usually involves Craigslist. Tell someone that you want to buy their car or a big ticket item from craigslist. Next, tell them you’re in a foreign country (on vacation, or whatever) so it’s hard to send the money directly. But luckily, you have an acquaintance that owes you money living in the states. Tell them that you’ll have your friend send them a check for the money they owe you and they should cash the check but wire you the extra money left over. It can take a few days for the bank to realize that the check is fake and if they wire you the money before that, then there’s not much they can do. There are many variations of this going around too.
Need some inspiration? Check out for a large list of illegal money-making scams people are executing on.
4. Prostitution
Touted as the oldest profession, prostitution is still a viable way to make money illegally – unless you live in Nevada, then it’s legal.
Because of the underground and illegal nature of the business, lots of the statistics around prostitution are just good guesses. For example, it’s estimated that there are 1-2 million prostitutes working in the United States but no one really knows.
How much money can you make as a prostitute?
That number depends on lots of factors – mostly marketing. How desirable your “services” are has a huge impact on how much you can charge. Anywhere from $40 – $5,000 is reasonable.
But remember, if you record the act, it’s no longer illegal… “art” is a beautiful thing.
5. Sell Drugs
Selling drugs is one of the most common ways to make quick money illegally.
Of course, it’s also a risky business. The more you make, the riskier it gets. You’ll not only attract the attention of law enforcement, but you might get heat from other local drug dealers or gangs. This is probably the most dangerous way as you not only risk jail, but also getting killed.
How much money can you make? Again, depends on how high up the food chain you are. Most street-level dealers barely break even if you consider the number of drugs they do themselves. Mid-level dealers can make more, upwards of a few grand a month. Or, you can become like the “King of Cocaine” himself. It’s estimated that Pablo Escobar had a personal income of close to $21.9 billion dollars a year…
6. Smuggle Drugs
Continuing on with the drug-related money-making activities, drug smugglers pop up in the news nearly on a weekly basis.
For good reason too, smuggling drugs from one location to another – usually state to state or country to country – is a profitable business.
The more drugs you smuggle at once, the more profitable the trip. But that also increases the risk of you getting caught and the severity of the punishment. The easiest way to get started smuggling drugs is to travel somewhere where the drug is legal, for example, you could drive to Colorado or California to buy some legal marijuana. Then smuggle the marijuana to other states and sell it for a profit. Of course, this isn’t risk-free. If you’re caught smuggling drugs into Singapore you’ll get killed as they have a death sentence.
7. Hold a Company Hostage (Ransomware)
Ransomware is a newer way to make money illegally.
The concept is to somehow get someone at a company to inadvertently install your ransomware. This virus will lock down all the files on the company’s network until you tell it to unlock the files. You now have the power to extort money from the company – especially if the company relies on the files your ransomware locked. Usually, you demand the ransom to be paid in bitcoin, so to make it less traceable.
The hardest parts of this scheme is getting your ransomware on the company’s computer and getting away with the ransom. You’d be surprised by how many companies and organizations will actually pay the ransom – you’ll have to get paid in a creative way such as bitcoin though to avoid detection!
Gambling Best Way To Make Money 2020
Need inspiration? Here are a few good ransomware stories.
8. Commit Insurance Fraud
According to the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud, insurance fraud costs nearly $80 billion dollars a year in false claims.
We here about false insurance claims all the time – from phony tainted-food claims to faked deaths to burnt down buildings. People are getting more and more creative with their insurance fraud schemes.
One of the most common insurance frauds is to pretend that a piece of expensive jewelry was stolen and then filing a claim.
But insurance fraud covers everything from purposefully setting your bankrupt business on fire to poisoning your child for a life insurance payout.
Insurance companies are getting better at spotting fraud, however – even employing AI to analyze patterns of claims. Getting caught committing insurance fraud will result in a hefty fine or even jail time depending on the severity of the case.
9. Count Cards
Counting cards is an interesting way to make money.
It’s technically not illegal to count cards (as long as you don’t use any external devices to help you), but casinos actively work to ban players they think are card counting.
Why? Well because it decreases their profit. For typical blackjack games, the house (casino) has a 1% advantage. Which means they’ll typically profit $1 for every $100 pot. If you’re a great card counter, you can decrease the house advantage by around 2.5%. Meaning you’ll profit around 1.5% on every pot.
If you’re playing at a table where the average bet is $100 and you can play 50 hands per hour, that means you’ll be profiting around $75 per hour. Not bad – especially if you don’t get banned.
Here’s a great video explaining card counting in depth:
Pay attention that actually you can earn 100 dollars fast and legally, so is it worth it? Maybe while you’re in isolation or quarantine, but it’s still lucrative despite the risks.
10. Credit Card Skimming
Has your credit or debit card ever incurred charges that you have no idea how they got there without ever losing your card?
Then you were a victim of credit card skimming.
How does it work?
Well, credit card skimming is a type of credit card theft that involves a small device that the thief would install on an ATM machine, vending machine, or really any type of device that allows credit or debit card transactions. If you use your card at one of these “infected” devices, the device will capture all the data from your card’s magnetic strip and send that data to the thief.
Probably the best way to execute this illegal way of making money is to get a job as a waiter or waitress. Once an unsuspecting victim wants to pay their bill, take their card and use the skimming device. You’ll even get an extra tip from the customer most of the time!
11. Become a Pimp
If the idea of selling your body is not really your thing, how about becoming an agent for a sex worker?
A pimp’s job can include advertising services, physical protection, and providing a location for the sex worker to engage with clients. You’ll basically be running a prostitution business and taking a cut from your workers.
Of course, since being a sex worker is illegal in most of the United States, being a pimp is also illegal.
According to Time, pimps can pull in anywhere between $5,000 to $32,000 per week. These guys (or gals) employed an average of five sex workers at a time.
Being a pimp is more profitable than being a sex worker in most cases.
12. Grow Drugs For Profit
If you’re not much of a salesman or just don’t like selling drugs, you can always grow the drugs instead.
Of course, only a few drugs can be grown such as marijuana and psilocybin mushrooms.
How much money you can make growing these drugs is dependent on many factors such as how much you’re growing, the state of the local drug market, and who you sell to.
Of course, growing marijuana is still illegal in most states, though more and more states are legalizing not only the consumption but also the cultivation of marijuana for personal use. This means that unless you certain permits from the state, you’re not allowed to grow your own marijuana with the purpose to distribute and sell for profit.
If you have a green thumb but don’t want to grow anything illegal, consider growing gourmet mushrooms for profit.
13. Embezzle Your Employer
If you hate your job and are strapped for cash, embezzling your employer is an option to make money fast illegally.
Typically, the easiest way to embezzle a company is to work in the billing department (go accountaints!). Having access to the books, you can pad the numbers and slowly funnel away money. How exactly to funnel the money to make it as discreet as possible will vary from company to company.
The key to not getting caught is to do it as slowly as possible. It’s easier to hide a few hundred dollars than a few thousand dollars. Though, depending on the size of the company there’s a good chance that that can go unnoticed as well.
White Collar Crime usually doesn’t have that long of a jail sentence and involves no physical harm.
14. Steal and Sell People’s Identity
Identity theft is so common that most people can name at least one person affected by identity theft.
But what if you want to profit from other people’s information?
The easiest way to make money illegally from personal information is to sell the person’s identifying information on the dark web. From there, people will do things like try to get access to bank accounts, commit tax fraud in the name of someone else, create fake documents with the information, and more crimes.
If you’re good with computers, you can try hacking into databases and get a huge amount of emails and passwords at once. Or if you’re less tech-inclined, you can always do it the old-fashioned way: dumpster diving. People will throw out mail, such as credit card signup offers or bills, that have plenty of identifying information.
15. Burgle Homes
Breaking and entering houses to steal stuff is another way to make money illegally.
Here are some interesting statistics on burglary. Despite the common notion, burglaries are more common during the day when the occupants are running errands or at work. There are roughly 2.5 million burglaries a year and only 13% of them are solved.

Interestingly enough, only 12% of the people caught for burglary attempts said that they planned it in advance. Most of them said it was an impulse decision. Who would have thought?
How much can you make? Hard to say since each house will have different items in it but it’s probably not much admittedly. But here’s one thing that can be said for sure: there’s a plenty of methods to make 300 dollars fast legally.
Alternatives to Making Money Fast Illegally
Again, we are not condoning any of these illegal money-making methods. There are plenty of ways to make money legally.
If you really need a large sum of money quickly, your best bet is to use a credit card or take out a personal loan to cover the expenses.
Here are some ways to make some extra money legally:
- Do online surveys: Sites like SurveyJunkie and Swagbucks will pay you to take online surveys. It’s not going to make you rich, but it will pad your wallet and allow you some extra spending money. Check out our article on the best paid survey sites.
- Cut out subscriptions you don’t use anymore: The easiest way to make money is to spend less. Subscriptions are taking over the business world. The problem is that many times we forget to cancel those subscriptions when we stop using them. Trim is a free tool that will automatically find all the subscriptions you pay for and let you unsubscribe from them with one click to save you money.
If you need more ideas on how to make money quickly, check out this post.
Why Would Someone Want to Make Money Illegally?
After reading this list, you’re probably wondering why anyone would want to make money illegally given the risk of jail time.
Well, for some people, it’s all they know. Their friends are criminals, their family members engage in criminal activities, and their communities are riddled with crime.
With others, it’s a crime of desperation. Their situation has gotten so out of control, that they believe their only option is to commit a crime to make ends meet.
Even other people do it for the thrill. Breaking the law and making money illegally is a dopamine rush that they’re addicted to. Just like sky-diving adrenaline junkies, for them, the risk is worth the reward.
Whatever the reason is, it’s not morally justifiable to break the law to make ends meet. There are plenty of ways to get by or make money legally.
As entertaining as this list was, making money illegally is not worth it. The risk is not worth the reward.

Don’t get yourself in a situation in which any of these methods sounds reasonable. And if you do get yourself in a terrible money situation, just remember, there’s always a legal way out.
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How to make money at casino is a common question these days and if you are looking for an answer to this question look no further. It’s very easy to find a good casino site these days, but it’s not that easy to develop a good strategy that can help you minimize risk and maximize profit.
In any case, it is possible to make money at casino, but you just need a good plan and discipline to stick to it. While it’s true that many of the casino games offered there are games of chance, it’s also true that there are good and bad players.
If you are a fan of casino games and you want to join a casino site, then you should spend some time learning more about the best ways to make money at the casino. You can use this article to learn:
- How to play as well-informed players
- How to make the best decisions
- How to avoid unnecessary risks
So, do you want to learn the best ways to make money at the casino? We will highlight a few proven ways that can help you.
1. Select Casino Games with the Best Odds
First and foremost, you should know that not all casino games have equal odds. As a matter of fact, some of them have much better odds than others. For instance, online slot games have some of the worst odds you can find in this industry.
On the other hand, there are a few casino games with excellent odds. First of all, there’s blackjack, a card game with average odds that go below 1%. This is a simple game where you have to defeat the dealer, not other hands and a game that doesn’t require the development of a special strategy.
We should also mention craps as a game with good odds. If you play craps you can expect a 50-50 chance of winning a turn in this game where you are betting on a dice roll. Finally, we have roulette. This is a very popular casino game which comes in a few different versions. Regardless of the version, you have betting options like odds or even or black or red where you have 50-50 chance of winning.
As you can see, if you want to make money at casino, you have to get familiar with the odds. Of course, this is not the only thing that determines your success.
- Check the odds of each casino game before playing it
- Analyze the betting options you have in some casino games
- Play very safe at the beginning
2. Choose Online Casinos with the Best Payout
Obviously, the online casino you’ve selected has an impact on your success as a player too. So, it’s wise to opt for online casinos with the best payouts. By best payouts, we mean fast payouts even for high prizes. The same goes for the percentage of player bets returned in the form of winnings after a certain period of time. This percentage is also known as average percentage payout.
There are independent bodies that are investigating these numbers. What you should remember is that in order to claim that they have the best payouts, the casino must showcase a payout rate of 95%. In some cases, online casinos have payout rates of almost 98%. Do some research and find a casino site that promises payouts close to these numbers.
- Look for an online casino with a payout rate above 95%
- Use online casinos with fast payouts
- Join a licensed casino
3. Choose a Casino Site with a Generous Bonus Offer
One of the main reasons why online casinos have become so popular these days is the fact that most of them have exceptional bonus offers. Every guide that talks about how to make money at casino should mention the bonuses as one of the ways to do this. In other words, players should use casino bonus money whenever they can.
It’s good to know that there are different kinds of bonuses out there. For instance, there is a welcome bonus for new players and there’s a loyalty bonus for regular players. Read more about these bonuses before you use them. Another thing that is very important is to select an online casino which doesn’t have impossible wagering requirements.
Make Money Gambling Online
A rollover of up to 50 times should be your higher limit. The best online casinos have rollover requirements of 20 or 25 times. Additionally, you can get a no deposit bonus which doesn’t come with absolutely no risk for your money. Take some time, conduct research and find the casinos with the most generous bonus offers.
- Select an online casino with a good welcome and regular bonuses
- Watch out for the wagering requirements
- Learn more about the different kinds of casino bonuses
4. Select Low Variance Casino Games
Some players may be sad to hear that less volatile casino games are usually the more lucrative games. There are players may argue that high volatility casino games are more exciting, but you have to decide what’s more important to you – to have fun or to make money at casino. Of course, low variance casino games can provide both. Basically, you should look for a game that requires a longer period to win a prize, but it also requires lower wagers.
Of course, if you are interested in winning huge jackpot prizes and you can afford to lose more money in a short period of time, you can choose high variance games like online slots, video poker, bingo, and keno. On the other hand, table games like Pai Gow poker are casino games that are considered low variance games. Don’t forget that in some cases, players have a direct impact on variance because sometimes it all depends on their gaming style.
- Stick to low variance casino games for long-term earnings
- Table games promise solid returns
- Avoid side bets and play conservative
5. Set Up a Budget
Joining a casino site and playing casino games takes just a few minutes. This is one of the advantages of playing online, but this doesn’t mean that you should do that right away. On the contrary, according to many experts, it’s always a smart move to set up a budget first.
Every casino player must know his limits before they invest their money in casino games. Money management is probably not the first thing that comes to your mind when someone mentions poker, blackjack or slots, but the fact is that if you want to make money at casino then you have to create a budget.
Obviously, you should never play with money you need to pay your bills or cover your everyday needs. As the old saying goes – play with money that you can afford to lose. Don’t forget that online casinos are available 24/7 and there’s no need to be in a hurry when visiting these sites.
- Determine your financial limits
- Don’t play with money that you can’t afford to lose
- Be realistic
6. Learn More about the Games you are Playing
One of the things that make casino sites so exciting and popular is that you can get access to hundreds of games. Of course, not all of these games are different and there are a few categories of games you can choose from like table games, card games, dice games, electronic games, a game of chance and more. But what’s known for sure is that each of them has specific sets of rules.
So, before you start playing on a casino site, make sure that you understand the basics of the game you are interested in. It would be even better if you spend some time reading guides that can help master that game. Usually, it takes some practice and theoretical knowledge to master a game. It’s also worth mentioning that some games are better than the others when it comes to learning.
For example, we can’t compare a classic slot game where you only have to push a button and Texas Holdem where people can apply a myriad of strategies and tactics. Another good advice related to casino games and learning these games is to play one or two different types of games at once. If you are playing three or more different casino games a day, you can become confused easily.
- Master a game you like
- Stick to one or two casino games at a time
- Choose a casino site which offers a variety of games
7. Know when to Stop
No one likes to be called a quitter, but there are times when you are playing casino games when you simply have to stop. The only reason why experienced players recommend this is the fact that you have more than your pride to lose here – you can lose all your money. But, what’s even more important is to understand that you have to stop even when you are winning. Many players have a specific time of the day when they are playing for a certain period of time.
It’s easy to get carried away and try to double or quadruple your earnings, but there’s no reason to test your luck because it will eventually fail you. In addition, you should never chase your losses or cover your lost bets. As we said before, a good casino player has a strategy and a plan and has to stick to it if he wants to make money at casino.
- Limit your gambling activities
- Don’t chase losses
- Don’t try your luck
8. Use the Chance to Play for Free
If you visit a land-based casino, you have to place a bet in order to play. But, the situation is different when it comes to online casinos. Namely, most of these websites are offering free play sessions for their most popular games. This means that you don’t have to invest any of your money to play a game there.
Obviously, this also means that you won’t be able to earn money, but you should look at this as a way to earn money in online casinos in the long run. By becoming familiar with the game you want to play, you will have an opportunity to master it. You can try all of its features and use different betting options and see how they work for you. Spend some time using these casino games for free before you invest actual money.
- Play for free in online casinos that offer free play sessions
- In this way, you will get familiar with the gameplay
- You can find many casino sites with offers like this
9. Choose an Online Casino with no Hidden Fees
In order to start playing casino games in an online casino, you have to place a deposit. In addition, once you want to withdraw your earnings you will have to pick a payment method. Generally speaking, all the online casinos have a few payment methods available for their players. But, what’s different in some of them is the fees. Most online casinos don’t charge fees on deposits, but the situation can be a little bit different when it comes to withdrawals.
The first thing that you should do is to check these fees. A reliable online casino should list these fees on a visible place. In the end, you should not notice any hidden fees in your balance. While you are there, you should also check the withdrawal procedure. Are you able to withdraw your earnings more than once per week? Are there any minimum or maximum amounts that you can withdraw?
- Reliable online casinos don’t charge hidden fees
- Look for online casinos with high maximum withdrawal amounts
- Select online casinos with a good background
10. Don’t Stick to One Casino Site
If you want to make money at casino, this doesn’t mean that you have to stick to one casino site. Online casinos are not like land-based casinos and you can switch to another casino in a matter of seconds. The best casino players out there are members of two or more casino sites.
The truth is that many casino sites in the last few years have developed decent loyalty schemes with competitive points that make their use more attractive. However, this doesn’t mean that you should not join other casino sites. If you have an interest in a specific game, try to find an online casino that has special offers and deals focused on that casino game. Almost all the casinos have temporary bonus offers and using them can bring you a lot of benefits.
We should also mention that many online casinos have special offers for regular players that have stopped visiting their site regularly. They will try to keep your on their website by providing special deals.
- Shop around and don’t stay in just one online casino
- Look for special deals and offers
- Use both welcome and loyalty bonuses
11. Choose Games with Smaller Jackpots
There are many casino games like slot games, roulette, and keno where you can find amazing jackpots. In some cases, these jackpots are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. But, if you are interested in finding a way to win a jackpot like this, you will realize that you will realize that the odds of winning are extremely low. But, it doesn’t have to be like that.
When a player chooses a game with a smaller jackpot, the chances of winning are higher. This is a low variance jackpot game which is awarded more frequently. Of course, you can still place very small bets on games with impressive jackpot (progressive jackpot) prizes, but don’t hope too much.
- Play safe for big progressive jackpots
- Choose small jackpots over big ones
- Calculate the winning odds
12. Stop Playing when you have a Problem
Finally, there are times when people are noticing that they have problems when it comes to gambling. They are becoming compulsive gamblers that are desperately trying to win high amounts of money. The easiest way to spot this trend is to analyze yourself.
Do you play casino games on a daily basis for more than a few hours? Do you feel dissatisfied when you are playing? If the answers to these questions are affirmative, then maybe it’s time to stop and look for help.
It’s always a smart move to read books and literature focused on problem gambling if you are planning on making money from this interesting activity. Learning more about this behavior can save you a lot of money, time and energy.
- Stop if you have noticed the first signs of problem gambling
- Read literature that can help you in situations like this
- Consult an expert in this field and look for help