Beginners Guide To Cryptocurrency

The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Cryptocurrency Investing. When you get acquainted with buying crypto and start to itch for some crypto trading (e.g. BTC/ETH), simply perform an instant transfer from Coinbase to GDAX free of charge and start trading. Think of Coinbase as the place to conveniently buy and store your crypto and GDAX as your. The Simplest Way I can Describe Everything You Need to Know About Cryptocurrency. Here is a guide to cryptocurrency for beginners. We offer simple answers to questions like what is cryptocurrency, how does it work, what is Bitcoin, what is blockchain, how do I buy cryptocurrency, etc. Metaphor: Cryptocurrency is a bit like online banking without a central bank. A Complete Guide to Cryptocurrency for Beginners. If you’ve ended up on this page, then there’s a chance that you’ve caught wind of the massive cryptocurrency buzz sweeping the world. Over the last year, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have gone from being relatively unknown to. This guide is about how to buy cryptocurrency for beginners in 9 easy steps. You will learn how to get started in investing in digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies safely and securely step-by-step. I know this technology is complex and the process seems intimidating and I’m going to make this as easy as possible for you.

Storing your cryptocurrency safely with a good wallet isn’t difficult, unless you don’t know the best crypto wallet to use.

Are you looking for the best way to keep your investment safe?

Is it hard finding the best wallet to secure your digital currency?

If you want the best cryptocurrency wallets for storing your crypto-coins, right here am going to show you almost all the wallets you can choose from to store secure your assets safely.

There is no way you will be using only one kind or type of cryptocurrency wallet, because we live in a world, where technology has made almost everything and anything possible.

Many professionals doing cryptocurrency trading, that always get different cryptocurrencies like using different wallets to safely guard and secure their investments – be it a big money investment or little pocket-money.

However, choosing the best cryptocurrency wallet for your multi Bitcoin cryptocurrency transactions, depends on specific needs you’re looking unto, and the level of security you also want for your investment.

Before we continue to know about the best crypto wallets for your cryptocurrency investment, I will like you to know that the best kind of cryptocurrency wallet, is the one that allows you to have full access to your private keys.

Investors are always advised to keep their wallet private keys safe in a very secured place that only them will know.

If you also ask me, I will say that for me, a multiple currency wallet will be the best for you, because it will serve as a universal crypto wallet.

Let me go straight and explain what cryptocurrency wallet is all about.

Shall we?

What is cryptocurrency wallet?

If you are considering investing in cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, or any of altcoin investment, that would be very great, but you will obviously need somewhere to store your coins.

It is from this place that you will store your crypto investment is where from, you will be sending or receiving all your crypto assets.

This storage place, space or device is the cryptocurrency wallet.

Crypto wallets comes in forms and kinds. These forms include hardware wallets, software wallets, paper and web online wallets.

Most of these kinds of wallets, especially the desktop software wallets runs in full nodes. This means that they always download the complete blockchain copy to get access to your cryptocurrency stake.

The full nodes wallets always takes time to synchronize with the blockchain to reach your stored cryptocurrencies. This makes them to create massive amount of data in offline storage of the device.

Alternatively, there is a lite version of the wallet known as, Simple Payment Verification (SPV) wallets which uses the full node, but this time, it uses full nodes that is hosted elsewhere.

This makes it helps to make it faster to reach blockchain network to confirm transactions. It also uses less space in the storage disk.

Multi vs single crypto wallet

A single coin currency wallet is the type that only supports only one type of cryptocurrency. These kind of crypto wallets are mostly made specifically for that cryptocurrency which they support.

For example, BitLox anonymous crypto hardware wallet is a bitcoin wallet made specifically for making bitcoin transactions anonymous.

In other words, multi-currency wallets are those cryptocurrency wallets that can support many crypto-coins at the same time.

As a cryptocurrency investor, you may have acquired many kinds of cryptocurrencies, so maintaining all of them with separate wallets can be very tedious, and overwhelming.

This is why you need to use a multi-currency wallet (universal cryptocurrency wallet) that can be able to securely hold all your crypto investments in one place at once.

However, some cryptocurrencies like; Ripple and Monero still uses their unique wallets. They’re not well supported by some of the best multi-cryptocurrency wallets in the market.

This means, you will need to get wallets that are made specifically for those cryptocurrencies.

What is a crypto wallet key?

A crypto wallet key is a very long alphanumeric series of codes or pass-phrases that unlocks your crypto investment wallet content, and in most cases, these pass-phrase called, seed words.

Seed phrase-words are unrelated words used to retrieve crypto assets stored in a wallet. Anyway wallet that uses these codes or pass-phrase is known as a HD (Hierarchical Deterministic) wallet.

In other words, anyone can have full control or access to all the cryptocurrency stored in your wallet, without the need to also have access to your devices (e.g. Personal computer, Mobile phone etc.).

This is how most people lose their cryptocurrency investments to thefts. So be very careful with where you’re keeping your seed word pass-phrases.

Wallet keys are used to create wallet transaction address. Crypto wallet address is an ID characters used to receive or send cryptocurrency from your wallet.

In HD wallets, wallet IDs can be created multiple times, and this helps to prevent you from sharing your private key publicly in the bid to transact with your cryptocurrency investment portfolio.

Thus, there are still some risk involve in sharing public address to other people. Especially, when they always recognize your address in any transaction.

Types of Cryptocurrency Wallets

Before we proceed, there are different types of crypto wallets according to how they store, or retrieve the cryptocurrency stored with them during transactions.

Hot wallet

These are the type of wallets that uses keys created by devices that has encrypted access to the Internet. These types of wallets requires access to the Internet to store or retrieve your crypto assets.

The device in which they are installed can be fully accessed remotely.

Though hot wallets are the most popular type of wallets do to its utility, they are regarded as highly unsecured technologically. In case of hack, they are always the very first target for most hackers

Cold wallet

Cold wallets are regard as the most secured type of wallets due to the fact that, they don’t need Internet access to send or retrieve cryptocurrency transactions.

They totally store your investments without the need to reach the blockchain using Internet. Example of wallets in this category are; hardware wallets, paper wallets and brain wallets.

Brain wallets are the ones that only give you pass-phrases, and password you need to gain access to your investment, while paper wallet is the type of wallet that you need to write, or print your pass-phrases to your wallet.

Hosted wallet

This is the type of wallet that is hosted or installed in a third-party server, which you don’t have any access to your private keys. The private keys are held in an online server on your behalf.

In the case of hack attack, these servers are heavily attacked due to multiple number of wallets that are stored in them.

See these servers, just like banks that holds your financial asset on your behalf. These servers are not insured or regulated by the FDIC insurance.

Decentralized wallet

This type of wallets is somehow the same with the cold wallets. It allows you the fullest access to your cryptocurrency transactions.

You will not need any third-party server, Internet or person to exchange your cryptocurrency with other platforms and investors.

It doesn’t increase your anonymity anyways.

Factors to know a secured wallet

Before you choose to start making use of any wallet, please make sure the cryptocurrency wallet has most of these features listed below…

1. Backup Private keys

To fully have control of your cryptocurrency investment portfolio, you will need a wallet that has a feature to back up its pass-phrase seed words.

This will help you to retrieve or transfer your money to another wallet in the case of misplacement or lose.

2. Two-factor authentication

This kind of security is called, Second-Level-Security. Some wallets interchange this feature with fingerprint in devices that has bio-metric sensors.

2-FA is that kind of security whereby, if a hacker manages to crack or hijack your password, they will still need to comment a special kind of code that will always be sent to your mobile phone number, before access to your wallet can be granted.

3. Multi-signature support

This feature is for when more than one person is making use of a particular wallet address.

To avoid misusing, multi keys is needed before a some amount of Ripple coins can be transferred out of such address that has multi-sign feature.

However, this feature can also be used by one person to fully protect their cryptocurrency funds lose from theft.

4. Not hosted on an exchange

A large number of cryptocurrency enthusiasts have used exchange wallets like that of; Coinbase and Luno online wallet to keep their investments.

This is not a good practice as there can be massive hack attack on the exchange, and the target mostly are on the wallets due the huge number of cryptocurrencies stored in it.

Generally, storing cryptocurrencies using exchange online wallet is not recommended for security purposes, and these exchanges will not allow you access to your private keys which they keep to themselves on your behalf.

This also means that, you don’t have any control of your cryptocurrency investment.

Avoid using exchange wallets to store cryptocurrencies unless you are using the platform to trade them while having a time-frame to move all of them to a more secured hardware wallet (Highly recommended).

Kinds of crypto wallets

This also brings us to discuss on the kinds of cryptocurrency wallets, how they are, and how they work altogether:

Hardware cryptocurrency wallets

Hardware wallets are mostly recommended, because they have very high security. They are easy to carry about, due the fact they look like USB devices, which allows you access to your private keys.

Ledger Nano S

Since 2014, Ledger company has been known as one of the companies in the cryptocurrency market, to produce one of the most secured wallets to store cryptocurrencies.

The Ledger Nano S comes with a LED screen that displays payment validation and PIN to confirm transactions. This device is very convenient and easy to carry around in your pocket.

Nano S features two-factor authentication. It comes with its own operating called, BOLOS, and has support for windows 7+, Mac OS 10.8+ and almost all Linux systems.

Ledger Nano S also has support for multitude of cryptocurrencies. It requires you to have it connected to your personal laptop with Internet access to work perfectly.

Ledger Nano X

The Ledger Nano X cryptocurrency wallet is the newest instalment of hardware wallets from Ledger. It’s aesthetically pleasing and extremely secure.

The Ledger Nano X has several lines of defence making it an extremely secure option for storing your cryptocurrency assets.

Through the use of a microchip and PIN Code, this device can only be turned on when a PIN is entered correctly, and once a certain amount of PIN code failures, the device will be wiped completely.

Don’t worry… Your crypto investments are still safe. This is due to another line of security known as your recovery phrase.

By default, Nano X may not have the necessary firmware for storage, but these can be easily installed. But according to the Ledger website, the device is capable of having over 100 wallet apps, including ALL ERC-20, and Ethereum tokens.

The Ledger Nano X currently supports over 1185 cryptocurrencies!

Trezor Wallet

Trezor is produced by SatoshiLabs. The Trezor team are the people to produce first hardware wallet using modern cryptography. The wallet has a LED screen display, which is used to get access to the PIN code.

Trezor One also has two-factor authentication feature used for verifying transactions. This device offers support for up to 500 alternative coins.

It is compatible with most operating systems like; Windows, Mac OS and Linux operating systems. Just like the Ledger hardware wallet, Nano S, you also need to connect it to a computer for it to work.

Cryptocurrency Software wallets

Software wallets are mostly secured mobile applications, or software made specifically for storing cryptocurrencies. Some of these wallets are also offline wallets, but still not as secured as hardware wallets.

Jaxx wallet

Jaxx to me, is one of the best crypto wallet app for both PC and mobile phones. It supports almost 70 cryptocurrencies as at the time of writing this post content.

It is actually a dedicated client for Windows, Mac and Linux – including an app for Android and IOS gadgets. It also has Chrome browser extension.

This cryptocurrency wallet application, Jaxx is also an offline wallet but uses Internet to synchronize and access the blockchain network when transacting cryptocurrencies.

Binance Trust wallet

Binance cryptocurrency exchange partnered with Trust company to release the trust wallet. This is the best mobile crypto wallet app, if you would like to take part in cryptocurrency airdrops.

It has support for only Ethereum DApps (e.g. ERC 20 and ERC 23) tokens. This is also a secured wallet to stored all your Ethereum based cryptocurrencies.

It is mostly preferred for mobile crypto wallet users.

Cryptocurrency Paper wallet

These are not really the best cryptocurrency wallets in the market, but it allows you to print, or write private keys on a piece of paper, which seem more secured.

But the risk of loosing your investment due to misplacement of the paper, or tear is higher than other wallets.

This kind of wallet are also among the most secured wallet, but it also comes with a risk of loosing your cryptocurrency investment if not kept away from water.

Online web wallets

This is a less secured and inexpensive way of storing your cryptocurrency assets, even though most beginners insist that they’re among best crypto wallets online.

These kinds of wallets are those wallets hosted in an exchange (like; Luno or LocalBitcoins) to temporally keep your investment, while using the exchange platform to do cryptocurrency trading.

It’s mostly not advisable to leave your coins on the exchanges for too long, to avoid loosing your cryptocurrency investment in case of hack attacks.

My final thoughts

The best wallets to be used for reducing the risk of loosing your cryptocurrency investment, are those wallets that doesn’t need to continuously have access to the Internet to keep your coins.

These kind of wallets are always secured from hackers.

Hardware wallets are highly preferred wallets you should have at your disposal as a serious crypto investor, to fully secure your investment from lose and thefts.

The best strategy to use other kinds of wallet, is to keep up a time-frame for keeping any cryptocurrency asset with these unsecured wallets.

If you have already chosen your best multi-currency wallet, and wish to buy your first cryptocurrency at best rate, I will recommend you use CoinSwitch, which is one the best exchange platform you can use right away.

The cryptocurrency transfer is always fast and swift.

To start trading coins for profit, you will need a genuine and reliable cryptocurrency trading platform, where you can start trading your Bitcoin for some other penny cryptocurrencies for income.

If you’ve ended up on this page, then there’s a chance that you’ve caught
wind of the massive cryptocurrency buzz sweeping the world. Over the last year,
cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have gone from being relatively
unknown to household names.

For those of you looking to learn about cryptocurrencies, you’ve come to the
right spot. We’ve developed this detailed beginner’s guide on digital currencies
so that folks with little to no experience with these currencies can learn about
them from the ground up.

In the sections below, we’ll walk you through the basics, including what
cryptocurrency is, how it works, common terminology, and more. By the time you
finish reading this page, you’ll have a good basic understanding of
cryptocurrencies. If you don’t want to read the entire document and would prefer
to jump to a particular section, you can use the jump links below to hop to the
parts that interest you the most.

What Is Cryptocurrency?
How Does It Work?
Popular Cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies History
Common Cryptocurrency Terms
How to Buy Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency and Online Gambling
Other Things You Can Do with Cryptocurrency
Benefits and Risks
Additional Resources
Cryptocurrency FAQ’s

What Is Cryptocurrency?

At a very high level, cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency that is
created through the use of computer coding. Even though it is a form of
currency, there isn’t any physical money like we’re used to with traditional
coins and dollars. Instead, all cryptocurrencies reside in the digital space and
can be sold, transferred, or exchanged for goods and services.

As you’ll see in the sections below, there’s a ton that you can do with these
digital currencies. From buying cars to paying for your meals, cryptocurrencies
like Bitcoin are becoming more usable every day as more retailers and
restaurants are willing to accept these funds as payment.

Cryptocurrencies have many benefits over traditional money. Some of the most
notable ones include that it is decentralized, fast, secure, and globally
accepted. It’s for these reasons and more that many folks are beginning to adopt
the use of these currencies.

As you can probably imagine, cryptocurrency is a pretty complicated thing.
There’s much more you can learn if you’d like to go deeper down the rabbit hole.
Here is a link to an excellent piece from Blockgeeks that has an
in-depth explanation about cryptocurrencies.


How Does It Work?

We could write an entire article about how cryptocurrencies function. Instead
of boring you with a long page of text, we’ve instead included an incredible
infographic below from Blockgeeks. This image will give you an excellent
high-level overview of how digital currencies function. If you’d like to learn
more about how they work, don’t miss out on the link to Blockgeeks just above.

Popular Cryptocurrencies


If you’re new to the world of cryptocurrencies, one of the things that you
should know is that there are a ton of different ones in existence. Currently,
there are over 2,000 different cryptos available. However, the majority of these
are unknown to most folks. We’ve dedicated this section to three of the most
popular cryptocurrencies that currently exist.


Cryptocurrency For Beginners Pdf

Considering the fact that Bitcoin was the first ever cryptocurrency, it’s
only right that we lead off talking about it. In 2009, Bitcoin was initially
released to the public for purchase. Since then, Bitcoin has exploded in
popularity and is still the most popular digital currency. On top of its
popularity, it also has the most massive market cap of all other


Another popular cryptocurrency is Ethereum. However, unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum
is a relative newcomer in the digital currency space, having been founded in
2015. Despite its young age, Ethereum has rapidly risen to one of the most
popular cryptocurrencies in the market.

Beginners Guide To Cryptocurrency


With roots dating back to 2011, Litecoin is another popular cryptocurrency.
Litecoin was developed by a Google employee and has a notably faster transaction
processing time than Bitcoin.

As we mentioned earlier, there are over 2,000 different cryptocurrencies
available. If you’d like to view the full lineup of options outside of the three
major ones that we’ve covered above, you should check out the following link. On
this page, you’ll be able to see all existing digital currencies
and information about their current price, market cap, and price trends.

The History of Cryptocurrency

Many folks don’t have a clue about how or why cryptocurrency first came
about. The idea behind it actually traces back to the early 1980s. However, it
wasn’t until 2009 that the first digital currency, Bitcoin, was launched. Since
then, thousands of other cryptocurrencies have launched, and there doesn’t
appear to be any sign that things are slowing down anytime soon.

The basic idea and premise of cryptocurrency is that it is decentralized.
That means that no government or other organization has control over the digital
currency. Along with that, one of the other primary goals was to make the use of
cryptocurrencies anonymous.

If you’d like to learn more details about the history of cryptocurrency, be
sure to check out the link below. It will take you to our page with a vast
explanation about the history of digital currency so that you can deepen your
knowledge on how things have progressed since cryptocurrencies first began.

In addition to our detailed page about the history, we’ve also built a page
dedicated to why people started using cryptocurrency. If you’re looking for more
color on this subject, then be sure to click on the link below to visit this
insightful page.

Common Cryptocurrency Terms

As you begin your journey into the exciting realm of cryptocurrency, you’ll
want to have an understanding of some common terminology. Below, we’ve provided
definitions of common terms that you’ll come across when dealing with the
digital currencies.


In the cryptocurrency world, an exchange is merely a place that you can buy
or sell cryptocurrencies. Exchanges for digital currencies like Bitcoin operate
through websites. One of the most popular exchanges for cryptocurrencies is
Coinbase. If you’d like to check out their exchange to see what it looks like
and how it operates, we’ve included a link below in the next section

Altcoin (Alt)

An altcoin is simply any other cryptocurrency that’s not Bitcoin. Also
sometimes known as an alt, these coins are viewed as alternatives to the
original cryptocurrency, Bitcoin.


ICO is short for initial coin offering. These take place any time that a new
cryptocurrency is introduced to the market. Essentially, an ICO is the first
time that the general public can purchase a new digital currency. If you’re
familiar with IPOs (initial public offerings) in the stock world, ICOs follow
the same general structure and logic.

Market Cap

The term “market cap” is used to represent the total value of a
cryptocurrency as a whole. To calculate the market cap, you just multiply the
current value of a coin by the existing number of coins in circulation.


This is the type of technology that significant cryptocurrencies like
Ethereum and Bitcoin use in the process of managing their currency. In short,
the blockchain is a series of ledgers showing every transaction for that
currency. However, the primary thing with these ledgers is that they are highly
secured through the use of cryptography. Instead of this sensitive data being
stored on a lone server, it has copies across thousands of computers around the


Since cryptocurrencies operate through the use of cryptography, keys are a
common aspect of working with them. Specifically, you’ll have public keys and
private keys. The public keys are what you’ll use to have people send you a new
cryptocurrency. These are keys that you don’t need to be very careful with. It’s
your private keys that you need to secure and store in a safe place so that you
don’t lose them. With these private keys, you’re able to access your digital
currencies and sell them or send them to other individuals. Without your private
keys, you won’t be able to access your funds.


While the idea is generally the same as the wallet you may have in your
pocket right now, cryptocurrency wallets differ in their own way. Instead of
being a physical wallet, these wallets act as a place for you to safely store
the keys to any cryptocurrencies that you own. You can choose to use a software
wallet that resides on your computer, or you can utilize a hardware wallet,
which is a specialized USB stick for secure storage of your keys.

How to Buy Cryptocurrency

These days, it’s relatively simple to purchase cryptocurrencies using one of
two primary methods. You can either purchase coins from an exchange, or you can
get them from a cryptocurrency ATM. No matter which one you use, it’s a quick
and easy process.

The most popular way for folks to purchase digital currencies is through the
use of an exchange. Cryptocurrency exchanges are much like a stock exchange in
that they are a place where you can buy or sell crypto funds. If you’d like to
check one out, we’ve added a link to Coinbase, one of the most significant
exchanges for cryptocurrencies in existence.

If you’d like to purchase somewhere other than an exchange, then you can use
a digital currency ATM. Spread around the globe, you can use these machines to
pick up different cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Instead of walking away with
actual money, you’ll instead receive confirmation and the private keys that you
can use to sell or transfer your crypto funds at a later date. We’ve included this
link that will show you all of the cryptocurrency ATMs near you if you
want to buy some using this method.

Cryptocurrency and Online Gambling

One of the earliest mainstream adopters of cryptocurrency was the gambling
industry. What’s nice about this is that it allows online gamblers a broader
assortment of payment methods to select from when they are making deposits or
withdrawals from a betting site. We’ve included this section, as it’s the
primary focus of our website, and it’s something that we’re very passionate

If you’re interested in betting on sports or casino games online using
cryptocurrencies, then don’t miss the links below. On these pages, we’ll provide
you with more information about how you can use these digital currencies for
your online gambling. Also included on the pages are our top picks for the best
online sites to use for Bitcoin. You can select below from a page dedicated to
sports betting sites or one dedicated to online casinos. Just click on the one
that you’d like to learn more about.

Other Things You Can Do with Cryptocurrency

Beginners guide to cryptocurrency mining

Besides being able to do online gambling, there’s plenty of other things that
you can do with cryptocurrencies. In this section, we’ll detail some of the
alternatives that you’ll have at your fingertips if you decide to buy and hold
some of these digital currencies.

Purchase Cars

If you end up holding a substantial portfolio of cryptocurrencies, one of the
things that you can do is purchase a car with it. Instead of showing up and
paying with a loan or cash, some buyers have paid for cars in full using Bitcoin
and other alt coins. Lamborghinis have become immensely popular with
cryptocurrency millionaires that hit it big thanks to their crypto investments.

Around the globe, there’s a good list of car dealerships that will accept
cryptocurrencies as payment. If you’re in the market to purchase a new car using
cryptocurrency funds, or if you’d like to see which dealerships are out there
that accept digital currency, a simple Google search can provide you with a list
of dealerships near you that accept cryptocurrencies.

Buy Homes

Beginners Guide To Cryptocurrency For Beginners

Another option is to use cryptocurrency funds to purchase real estate. As
with the cars example above, you’ll need a pretty hefty crypto portfolio to
execute on buying a home. However, it has been done, and many real estate
sellers around the globe are now accepting digital currencies as a form of
payment. For those of you seeking to buy a home using your crypto funds, you can
use Google to locate properties around the world that can be purchased using
your digital currency.


If your crypto portfolio isn’t big enough yet to purchase homes or cars,
you’re still not out of luck. Something else that you can do is retail shopping
with your cryptocurrency funds. Currently, many online and traditional
brick-and-mortar retailers accept digital currencies as a form of payment.

In the online space, there are lots of web retailers that take
cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. However, the majority of them are
smaller retailers that you’ve probably not heard of. Luckily, there are a couple
of major retailers that have stepped up to the cryptocurrency plate. Most
notably, both and will accept digital currency as a form
of payment in check-out. Unfortunately, Amazon hasn’t opened up to crypto
payments at this time.

If you don’t do all of your shopping online, then you may also be able to
spend some of your cryptocurrency funds in a brick-and-mortar retail shop.
Currently, the retailers accepting this form of payment are mostly smaller ones.
However, we expect that the number of retailers allowing customers to pay using
cryptocurrencies will continue to increase. You can use the following link to find a
map of all of the retailers near you willing to accept digital currency funds as
a form of payment.

Eat Out

Lastly, you can pay for your food with crypto funds. Similar to the
brick-and-mortar retailers, many restaurants globally are now accepting
cryptocurrency as a form of payment. Using the link above to CoinMap, you can
locate restaurants in your neighborhood that allow you to use digital currency
to check out.

Beginners Guide To Cryptocurrency Uk

The Benefits and Risks of Using Cryptocurrency

Another thing that we wanted to cover on this page relates to the benefits
and risks of using cryptocurrency. We’re here to give you a good look at both
sides of the coin so that you know both the potential good and bad that could
come with it. It’s vital that you check out this portion of the page so that you
understand precisely what you may be getting yourself into.

Up first, let’s take a look at some of the risks associated with
cryptocurrencies. One of the main dangers of digital currencies is that their
prices are very volatile, meaning that the prices can change rapidly in either
direction. In addition, there is always the possibility that the value of a
crypto can become worthless.

Another risk associated with cryptocurrency is that there is a risk of your
coins being hacked. With everything being digitally based, there is always a
possibility that someone could gain access to your crypto funds and steal them.
To help reduce the likelihood of this, make sure that you’re using some form of
cryptocurrency wallet. We’ve got a link where you can learn more about wallets
in the next section of additional resources.

If you’d like a more expanded explanation of the risk of using
cryptocurrencies, we’ve built a page dedicated to just that. By using the link
below, you can gain a deeper understanding of all of the potential downsides
associated with using digital currencies.

Next, let’s focus on some of the benefits of cryptocurrency. One of the
significant benefits of cryptocurrencies is that they provide easy access for
many individuals and it can be spent globally. Unlike traditional currency
that’s only able to be used in a specific country or region, cryptos can be used
around the world.

Another great benefit of digital currencies is that they provide very fast
settlements. Compared to other payment forms like bank wires and checks,
cryptocurrency can settle transactions in as little as a matter of moments. This
helps speed up things for folks using cryptocurrencies to transact buying and

While we’ve highlighted some of the benefits of cryptocurrencies here, this
is not an all-inclusive list. To view more detail about the benefits of using
digital currency, be sure to check out the link below. Here, we’ll provide you
with a broader list of potential benefits.

Another benefit of cryptocurrency is that it is beginning to replace other
currencies. Much of this is thanks to the fact that cryptocurrencies can be sent
and spent around the globe, unlike traditional currencies which tend to be tied
to a specific country or region of the world. If you’d like to read more about
how digital currencies are replacing traditional currencies, don’t miss our
write up below. To read this interesting piece, click on the link below.

Additional Resources

In addition to all of the information we’ve already provided above, we also
wanted to bring you a lineup of additional resources about cryptocurrencies. By
using these guides below, you can broaden your knowledge and understanding of

Cryptocurrency FAQ Page

If you still have questions after checking out this page, don’t miss our
cryptocurrency FAQ page. Here, you’ll find an expanded assortment of questions
that we commonly hear about cryptos. To view this list of additional questions,
click the link below.

Guide to Cryptocurrency Wallets


We’ve built out a detailed guide dedicated to cryptocurrency wallets. If
you’re wondering what they are or how you can go about finding one to use, then
you’ll definitely want to check this page out. Just click below to head over to
our cryptocurrency wallet guide.

How to Mine Cryptocurrency Guide

Many of you might be thinking about mining cryptocurrencies. Before you
purchase equipment to get things started, make sure that you view our guide on
how to mine cryptocurrency. Here, we’ll give you a full understanding of what
you can expect, from high electricity bills to the massive amount of heat


We hope that you’ve gathered up a solid fundamental understanding of
cryptocurrencies using our beginner’s guide. If this is the first time that
you’ve visited our page, consider taking a minute to check out the other
valuable resources and guides that we have to offer. You’ll find a nice
collection of cryptocurrency and gambling-related information that you can use
to elevate your knowledge. Thanks for reading, and good luck in all of your
future cryptocurrency investing adventures!

Cryptocurrency Frequently Asked Questions

Hopefully, we’ve helped you answer all of your questions using the
information and resources above. Just in case, we’ve also included a handful of
FAQs below that readers have submitted about cryptocurrency. To view the answer
to one of the questions below, all you have to do is click on the question, and
the answer will appear for you.

What happens if I lose my private cryptocurrency keys?

Unfortunately, if you lose your private keys to your cryptocurrencies, then
you’ll lose access to them forever. These private keys are essential for you to
sell or transfer your coins. There is no way for anyone else to help you recover

Because these keys play such a vital role, it’s crucial that you take the
proper steps to record and safely store your keys. Instead of saving them on
your computer where they could potentially be hacked, we’re big fans of using
old-school pen and paper. What we’d suggest is writing your private keys down on
a few pieces of paper and then storing them in different secure areas. That way,
if you misplace one, you’ll still have some others. You might consider placing
them in a safety deposit box, home safe, or other secure areas within your home.

An alternative for you is to use a cryptocurrency wallet. These come as
either software or hardware formats. In both forms, these wallets are designed
to help you securely store your private keys.

Is cryptocurrency a smart investment?

Unfortunately, we can’t give a global answer here, as everyone’s financial
situation is a bit different. What we can tell you is that investing in
cryptocurrencies is very risky. If you own some of these currencies, you should
expect to see large swings in the value of your coins on a regular basis. Many
people don’t like significant changes like this, and if you’re in that bucket,
then you may want to sit out on investing in cryptocurrencies.

There are tons of individuals that have made a lot of money by investing in
cryptocurrencies. However, the majority of them bought coins in the early phase
of one of the cryptos. While it is possible to make money in the short term, you
might consider looking at things as a more long-term play. If you purchase some
coins now and hold onto them for a more extended period, there’s a chance that
they could be worth lots of money or nothing in the future. Unfortunately, we
don’t have a crystal ball that tells us what the future of digital currency
values will look like.

Do all online sportsbooks and casinos accept cryptocurrency?

No. Not all online sportsbooks and casino accept these digital currencies.
Luckily, plenty of them do. If you’d like to do your online gambling using
cryptocurrencies, check out the section above about online sites and
cryptocurrency. There, you’ll find more information and a link to a page where
you can see our recommended sites that allow you to transact using cryptos.

Can I lose money investing in cryptocurrency?

It is possible to lose money while investing in cryptocurrencies. As with
other investments like stocks and bonds, there is always a risk of losing some
or all of your investment. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a sure bet.
If you decide that you’re going to invest in digital currencies, be sure to keep
this in mind as you make your buying choices. Due to the high-risk nature of
these investments, we’d suggest that you only allot a small portion of your
investment portfolio into cryptocurrencies while investing the remainder in more
stable investment options. In short, don’t put all of your eggs into a digital
currency basket.

Beginners Guide To Cryptocurrency Trading

Is cryptocurrency illegal?

Understanding Cryptocurrency For Dummies

At this point, cryptocurrencies are unregulated, meaning that they are not
illegal. Governments around the globe have yet to put in laws and rules
governing these digital currencies. However, we expect that will change sooner
rather than later. Unless you’re using cryptocurrency for something that’s
illegal such as drug trade or ransom requests, then you should not have any