Advanced No Limit Poker Strategy

Higher Level Poker. The following are more advanced strategy articles written by Jack Wilcox, who was a winning cash game player up to $400NL. They were originally posted on his Higher Level Poker training site for small/micro stakes players. These strategy articles make use of player stats like VPIP/PFR. Texas Hold'em No Limit Advanced on 4/7/16 Four and Five Bluff Bet Strategy Including a four and five bet bluff in your poker strategy seems risky but can pay off in many spots - read more here. When I searched “poker tournament tips” for myself, none of the results were particularly fruitful, with most info being wrong or outdated. So, I decided to try to tackle this subject by myself and create the ultimate list of 7 poker tournament strategy tips for players of all skill levels. No-Limit Texas Holdem Cash Game Strategy Hold’em tournaments draw a lot of attention but the true test of a poker player’s mettle is at the cash-game tables. Get a handle on the essential basics of great Hold’em cash-game strategy with our expert tips below.

PokerNews Staff

The 6-max no-limit hold’em format is gaining immense popularity among online poker players, sometimes even overrunning the full-ring games. If you’re in the mood for more action-packed poker,here are a few poker tips on basic 6-max strategy.

Those who have already played 6-max cash games know that they’re faster, more intense, and more aggressive than what is typically the case at the regular nine-handed tables. More often than not, the 6-max battles are won and lost in position as the shorter-handed table means you’re going to spend more time in the blinds and playing from late positions.

It’s only natural that the game logic of 6-max NLHE suggests greater success will be enjoyed by the more aggressive players. However, you should still keep your head clear as even here too much does not necessarily mean good play. If you wish to try playing 6-max and stay on the winning side, here are five rather simple strategy tips to consider.

1. Play Tight

Aggressive play is often the right play from late positions. However, you should really know what you’re doing as it’s going to be really hard to keep up the same level of aggression when playing from the blinds and early positions.

Advanced No Limit Poker Strategy

Many new 6-max players tend to start out playing too many hands and playing them too aggressively. You should still fold around two-thirds or even three-fourths of your hands and not get involved in the pot. This means that any suited-ace or suited connectors should be returned to the dealer before the flop if it costs more than one big blind to continue, unless you’re on the button. This might sound boring, but when playing from out of position at the 6-max table, tight often means right.

By not playing too many hands you will not only save your chips, but will also have more time to study and get to know your opponents which is also very important.

Advanced No Limit Poker Strategy Blackjack

2. Don’t Forget to Be Aggressive

Advanced No Limit Poker Strategy

That said, aggression is the key to success in all poker disciplines and 6-max NLHE cash games are no exception. Aggressive players can win with the best hand as well as make their opponents fold. Aggression is such a powerful weapon that a number of pros have built their entire careers on its foundation.

This means you should raise almost every hand you decide to play. It doesn’t matter if you’re playing a mediocre hand from the button or a monster from the blinds — take the initiative before the flop and oftentimes keep it up afterwards.

3. Play in Position

At the 6-max tables, do try to play the maximum number of hands from favorable positions. This concept is as important as playing aggressive.

Poker is a game of information which can be best obtained by playing in position. Because of this, you should play stronger hands from the early positions and a more wide range of hands from the late positions. In this way before making hard decisions you will be able to observe and better read your opponents.

From the early positions you should narrow your hand range to middle and higher pairs, strong aces, and suited kings and queens. Meanwhile let yourself improvise when on the button.

4. Believe in Your Opponents

Another golden poker rule is that even the weakest players can have a good hand — don’t forget that. If your opponent is playing solidly and responsibly, take that player’s raises or reraises as a reliable sign and retreat.

If in such situation you’re not sure whether you’re winning, just fold and move on. This is the right move. Smart bets by your opponents indicate they’re looking for value.

5. Isolate the Limpers

There are few pieces of poker advice that begin “never” or “always,” but it is more or less the case that in 6-max games it makes sense never ever to let your opponents see a free flop. Don’t limp yourself and don’t let others do it.

Limpers are usually weak players looking for value with small hands. Don’t let them do it even if you have a monster and are looking for easy profit yourself. By leaving the limper in the pot, you will only have yourself to blame.

If you’re seriously into poker, these strategy tips should not be entirely new to you. However, some basics are always good to remember.


And if you’re looking for a good place to try 6-max NLHE cash games, we recommend an up-and-coming independent site Tonybet Poker. One huge advantage to playing at Tonybet Poker is that the site charges zero rake from its hold’em and PLO cash game tables. What’s more is that being a rather new site it has a solid population of weak players driven by the overwhelming amount of freerolls being offered, which means you’ll have plenty of room for learning and putting these tips to a good use.

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    cash game strategy6-max strategyshort-handed strategyno-limit hold’emonline pokerlive pokeraggressionpositionstarting hand selectionTonybet Poker

The aim of this poker strategy guide is to teach you how to really win at poker. There are lots of poker strategy websites out there, but it seems like most of them just regurgitate the same old, tired principles time after time. Instead, I will explain to you what it truly takes to win.

If you’re new to poker, don’t worry; I’m still going cover all the fundamentals you need to know. But I’m going to do it in a way that makes sense and that makes it easy to apply to real money poker games. I can still remember what it was like getting started as new players, back when terms like “expected value” and “reverse implied odds” sounded like gibberish.

As this poker strategy guide progresses, we will delve into more and more advanced topics. These topics, however, will be explained in a down-to-earth manner with the goal of making it as easy to comprehend as possible. As you will come to find out, many “complicated” poker concepts aren’t actually so complicated after all.

No Limit Ring Games

This part of is devoted purely to no limit Holdem ring games. I’ll be adding a tournament section soon, but let’s begin now with no limit ring games. This guide is divided up by topics for your browsing pleasure.

Some of these topics are very basic and others are a little more advanced. Feel free to check out any section or just read through the whole poker strategy guide from start to finish.

No Limit Tournament Strategy

This section is devoted purely to no limit Holdem tournaments. Tournaments are popular among novices, and that means there is some easy money to be made. The thing about poker tournaments is that even if you are a great tournament player, you can experience long dry stretches between major tournament wins.

The good news is that if you learn proper poker tournament strategy and stick with it, you’ll come out victorious in the long run. Both online and live tournaments can be used to make a lot of money. It just requires patience, dedication and an intimate knowledge of poker tournament strategy.

Online Poker Strategy Advanced

  • Introduction to No Limit Tournaments
  • Bankroll Management for Poker Tournaments
  • Early Stage Tournament Strategy
  • Middle Stage Tournament Strategy
  • Late State Tournament Strategy
  • Building a Chip Stack
  • Playing for First Place
  • Dealing with Bad Beats
Online poker strategy advanced

Strategy Resources

No Limit Hold'em Poker Strategy is hardly the only place to go for poker strategy. There are many websites, books, DVDs and training courses out there for you to study even more poker information. Make sure you check out a few different resources for poker strategy. Everyone has their own take on the game, and there is a lot of great information out there.

One of the best places to get great poker strategy are online poker forums. Poker forums let real poker players meet up, discuss strategy, analyze hands and talk shop. Some of the internet’s biggest winners in poker learned nearly everything they know by participating in discussion forums.

Two online poker forums that stand out specifically include:

There are also some pretty solid poker strategy websites out there. You will have to sort through a lot of junk, though, because many “poker strategy” websites are thin on content and simply regurgitate the same old junk you can find anywhere. Here are a couple of solid strategy websites: